For my final set of best photos, I will post these heavies in less an hour before the new year... phew....
Funny how you learn more about yourself as you explore into an art....
I discovered I actually have an obsession with objects.... and I believe I am more drawn to them than in people because of the feelings which they convey. hihihi I guess you may find it strange.
I love associating objects with people and believe I have a gift in bringing these objects to life. I feel very moved and even teary-eyed at times with these photos.
Without further adieu....
Aw! Very nostalgic. Reminds me of my elementary days. Had the chance to visit my school again after 16yrs.
A raw photo from my 1st trip to Eco Park. I like the symmetry and the hues... makes me wanna get my hands dirty and paint with my fingers.

The photo which I took during my blog's 1st birthday.
Funny how even the most common objects can turn into works of art with just a little imagination.
I'm in-love with this photo. A perfect example of the masterpieces which common people take for granted. So simple yet so classy.
A shot from my 1 wedding shoot.
I love gifts! I love giving. I'm the kind of person who enjoys making people feel special. These are the gifts I gave to my friends as a congratulatory token... a piece of gourmet chocolate!
I re-discovered my love for writing when I made this blog more than a year ago. Writing relaxes me a lot and it's a time to commune with my inner self. This photo tells a lot about me.... i make the simplest things look very pretty, and behind the bright hues and all... I remain to be simple.
I'm not a bookworm but I do enjoy reading when time permits...
reminds me of my kikay friends...
A palette of glitters! I love shiny things!
The tears of a clown.. when there's no one around
Very Krissy!
my most favorite picture this year!! it speaks for itself!
One of my early photos from Eco Park. I fell in-love with the scene. Though I'm nowhere in the picture, I feel that I'm still very much a part of it. I believe this is my 1st decent nature photo.
a simple photo with a profound meaning.....
A "cook book" shot! Very much resembles what I want my kitchen to look like. Also reflects my homey side.
Sometimes I feel I'd like to carefully re-arrange them in the sky... decorate my own universe
Shit! lols!
If I were to be an animal, I think this is what I'm gonna be....
I took this photo when I saw her sneaking up behind me. Probably curious... I noticed that even animals get curious of me.
I believe this little bird was being really playful with me that time!
I enjoyed watching this beauty! So elegant!
I'm not a big fan of landscapes but I am so fascinated with clouds. Whenever I photograph sceneries ... clouds should always standout! They are just so fun and mysterious to look at!
Sometimes I feel I'd like to carefully re-arrange them in the sky... decorate my own universe
Animals--- they hold a special place in my heart. I believe I hold a deep respect and connection with them.
Funny how some people are so into finding aliens from outer space... whileI think it's better to get to know the other creatures living with us on earth. I admire people who respect animals because I know that if they are kind to these creatures, the more will they have respect for fellow humans. I've met a lot of people who hurt and treat them as pests... I tend to stay away from them.
My Aunt's kitten GiGiShit! lols!
If I were to be an animal, I think this is what I'm gonna be....
I took this photo when I saw her sneaking up behind me. Probably curious... I noticed that even animals get curious of me.
I believe this little bird was being really playful with me that time!
I enjoyed watching this beauty! So elegant!
I'm not happy with this picture at all.... more of bothered. But I feel this is a very powerful photo. No one deserves to be deprived of his/her/its freedom.
Whenever I look at a photo, I don't just see the picture itself... most of all, I see the photographer. The thoughts, the feelings and ideas. It is like sharing a piece of him/herself to the spectator. I feel that I am very much in each picture I take...leaving invisible imprints. Yes, I love sharing myself to the world. This is my legacy, my contribution to humanity. I see myself in these pictures. They all reveal bits and pieces of me... a mystery waiting to be solved.
I'm not just a photographer.. I'm a storyteller.
I hope you enjoyed my subjects this year... the various faces, scenes and objects.... I hope my stories have somehow inspired you to view the world in a different way. It has been a great year for me and for 2011, I'm not just hoping or wishing... I'm gonna do my best to prove myself again and soar higher.
Thank you so much for your time in appreciating my humble works. =)
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