Wednesday, May 5, 2010

When Things Don't Go Your Way... SO WHAT?

Dear friend,

I know you are hurting now but please, don't be too hard on yourself...The worst thing you can do is to allow other people to hurt your feelings! They have NO right to hurt you! YOU are precious! You don't deserve to be hurt. Save yourself from pain! Protect yourself from misery. Remember... we have no control over other people.. We only have control over ourselves. Keep calm and carry on my friend. You have your life to enjoy!

You did your best I know (for I did too! believe me!).. but despite that, for some weird illogical reason they chose to respond against the natural flow..things didn't go smoothly as expected. As I said earlier.. we have no control over others. It's their choice and we need to respect that. They too have their lives to live... and guess what... You too have yours! No need to confuse yourself asking why why why.... for even they dunno the answer most of the time. Let it be. Need not delve in it. It's a waste of time.

You are a rational being! Be logical! You may be down now but realize this.. there is no other way but up!!! So get up! Wipe your tears dry and embrace all the good that life has to offer! Perhaps you've forgotten life's magnificence for you've allowed yourself to drown in desperation. You're much much bigger than what you think! Why do you underestimate yourself too much? Are you in need of appreciation and approval from others? Guess what? Unless you learn to acknowledge YOUR own gifts, appreciate YOUR own achievements no matter how simple they are...YOU will never be truly happy!

SO WHAT? If your lover leaves you? So what? Surely you'll find a more deserving and faithful partner! Office politics? SO WHAT? As long as you do your best, there is no cause for a fuss. Sick with the people in your household? SO WHAT? Let them doom themselves in the ocean of negativity! Having trouble in dealing with difficult people? SO WHAT? Just smile and let them resolve their own issues. It's not your job to change the world. Stop complaining! All the waters in the world could never sink a ship unless it enters the inside. Don't let troubles sink you..Don't allow them to affect you. Stay afloat where the sun eternally shines. Let goodness shine and smile upon you! Stay on top of every situation! You are not being selfish my dear, you're just doing yourself a favor! Start prioritizing yourself from now on!!

Your job is YOU!! If you wanna change the world... start from the inside my dear. Time to start a revolution of the mind. A simple shift of emotion goes a long long way. Quit whining, hiding and complaining...Worst of all, stop escaping..stop living a lie! I've done it a million times and the headaches aren't pleasant! Face your demons once and for all! Set yourself FREE!! Everything around us is just pure energy... unseen vibrations that are so powerful too complicated to fully fathom. Just believe..believe in the unseen! Your duty is to send good vibes to the universe so the universe can also respond to you by sending back abundance! Go with the flow.. let the universe give you what you deserve! Allow yourself to enjoy your rightful inheritance... Love, joy, the best of health, wealth, perfection and the list goes on and on.

Life my friend is a gift.. a gift too precious to take for granted. If the universe sends you love, then embrace it, cherish it with all your heart and soul! The more you welcome it, the more it'll be given to you! If you let it slip away.... sorry to say but you've deprived yourself of such a blessing.. you should be stamped on the forehead with a sign that says LOSER! You're lucky I'm not in front of you! Yes! That's what I call people who are too selfish on themselves that they deprive themselves to love and be loved! LOSERS!!! Are you a loser? Shame on You! Major “KABOBOHAN” (stupidity)!!! hahahah If not, PROVE IT! Not to me but to YOURSELF! Wisen up my friend!

A simple shift my dear.. a simple choice. That's all you have to do. BE HAPPY! Lay down your woes and walk with me. Join me in this blissful journey!!!


  1. Thank you so much po! Love this :)

    I also love Lily Allen's Smile in your mixpod! :)

  2. Me likes this! :D


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